Meet our Horses
A lesson horse is a special animal – the best of the best, or at least the smartest! Here’s a gallery of some of the horses who have served us, past and present.
Yes, I believe we have had all of these at one time or another!
Annie is a little Pony of America (POA). We suspect she used to be a broodmare. While she acts very timid, she is sweet, and seems to want nothing more than to make her rider happy.
August 2019-present
January 2020-present
20ish year old chestnut gelding, Buddy! He comes from a loving family that is losing its pasture; what we affectionately call a “backyard” horse.

circa 2015-present
Danny is just about the sweetest mini you'll ever meet. When he first came to the barn he kicked and fought as if he just wanted to go home, but he has settled in and become a trustworthy steed. Even during playdays when he is ridden for hours, when he is a part of the petting zoo, or getting all gussied up and hauled around the farm for a photo shoot, Danny takes it all in stride and keeps his calm.
circa 2015-present
This Palamino Arab/Quarter horse cross came to us with the name "Dust Me Off". One of the barn favorites, Dusty has some cool moves. He's sound at the walk, trot, canter, and even does some jumping. While he shies away from buckets, bags, and anything else you put right in his face, Dusty is a very willing ride if you prove yourself to be trustworthy and confident.
Summer 2018-present
Epona is a muscular horse with a sweet disposition. She can be stubborn and tries to bully her way through things, but when you communicate well with her she becomes a joy to ride. She is a freight train of a horse with a soft heart.
Ireland is a full-blooded Connemara pony imported straight from Ireland. She's very forward and has lots of pep to her step

who knows-present
Jewel is an ideal lesson horse who lives up to her name – she's the gemstone of the heard. A little western pleasure mare, Jewel has a beautifully smooth trot and the looks to go with hit. A lady in the barn, she politely crosses her legs when waiting to be groomed.
October 2019-Present
Lily is a flea-bitten Arab with the breed's typical personality – sassy! Great for pony rides, this mare would be an awesome horse to get for the grandkids

who knows-present
Night is a beautiful Arab who knows her stuff. She takes good care of them and gets the job done. This mare knows her stuff and thrives on more advanced work with a rider who has clear communication skills. She holds herself like a lady, and has enough sass to fill a silo.

Ruger is our Eeyore – loyal, wise, and sometimes a bit gloomy. He won't do anything he doesn't want to, but if he trusts you and you take the time to develop a relationship with him, there isn't anything he can't and won't do for you. He’s great with kids and loves when they love on him. He's a melancholy sweetheart who simply wants to know that you'll be there for him.
January 2020-present

March 2020-Present
Horses we have loved
2015-November 2018
Arlee is the best beginner horse we have in the barn. He's kind and relatively even-tempered, but can definitely return whatever attitude you throw at him. He'll cross any obstacle you give him and is responsive even to the smallest of riders.
Arlee left the barn to go back to his main home, he was generously on loan to us for several years.
Spring 2017-December 2018
If sanguine was a horse, it would be Cody! This sorrel Saddlebred is the class clown of the barn. He's tall, a jumper, loves attention, and will knock over anything you put in front of him. He's a favorite among more advanced riders and can get a bit big for his britches (which are already big enough!)
One of our students fell in love with Cody, so he now has a proud new owner!
April 2018-December 2018
Traveler is a beautiful gray quarter horse. He doesn't buck, rear, toss his head . . . he really has no vices that we are aware of. While he is beginner friendly, very sweet, and a great trail horse, he has his moments of uncertainty but calms down quickly. In the past he had been used for barrels but wasn't fast enough to succeed. With a western pleasure-type build he is a very comfortable ride at the walk, trot, and canter. Traveler is barefoot but benefits from boots on the trails, which he prefers over the arena. All-in-all, this gelding is a pleasure to ride and fun to work with.
One of the instructors at the barn bought Traveler, so we know he went to a very loving home.
April 2018-December 2018
Leah is our safest trail and beginner horse. She takes some coaxing to get her moving, but she'll take care of you. If you're out on a trail ride and she senses something is wrong, her first thought is to get you home to some help. A persistent and relaxed rider can coax some speed out of her, making her ideal for confidence building amongst beginners. She is calm and collected, but game for anything you are.
Leah went to a loving new home.
August 2018-January 2019
Apache is a sweet horse that we had here for a few months in 2018. She did great on the trails and had some fun in lessons too. She went to a loving home when a friend of the barn fell in love with her.
July 2018-January 2019
Purchased in 2018, Pebbles is one of the newest additions to the farm. She came from a field with only a couple goats and is thriving in an environment with other horses. She's a fun ride and is quick to learn. Sound at the walk, trot, and canter, she enjoys trail rides and is eager to please anyone who mounts her.
While Pebbles was a great horse, she wasn’t a great fit for our lesson program. A friend bought here and took her to a loving home
Leonardo daHorsi (Leo)
October 2018-January 2019
Leo is a sweet, 25-year-old leopard appaloosa. When he came he fit right into our program, playing a game of soccer (with a giant exercise ball). He quickly became a beginner favorite.
Leo died here on the farm at about 25.
Spring 2018-February 2019
Rooster is a 12 year-old grade-A trail horse. He is sweet, compliant, and doesn't spook even if a horse in front of him does. Rooster takes superb care of beginners on the trails. He is a great "best friend" kind of a horse who will playfully nuzzle any creature in his path.
A student fell in love with and purchased Rooster.
April 2018-August 2019
This gelding has warmblood-like movements – we assume he did hunter jumpers back in the day. He has a huge stride and is a beautiful jumper – ideal for more experienced riders. While he likes to be at the top of the herd pecking order, Pepsi loves people and will do anything to please them.
Pepsi was purchased by a member of the Hidden Hills community

January 2018-August 2019
Olaf is a Quarter horse/Percheron cross. He is a sensitive horse who enjoys a calm rider – he needs someone to trust and love. Once you have that, he is a willing and sweet horse who would do anything for you. He is silly and likes to let you know when he’s hungry by tossing his bucket. This gray gelding is a solid, "couchy" ride, and is fun both on the trails and in the arena. Olaf is a pleasure to ride and very responsive once he lets you in.
Olaf is now Tara’s personal horse

March 2017-August 2019
If Pippin was a Disney character, he'd definitely be Tigger from Winnie the Pooh – not only does he seem to have springs in his legs, but he also embodies Tigger's rambunctious, playful, mischievous, and spunky personality. He'll jump anything you put in his path, but he'll also let you know exactly what you're doing wrong. This makes him a great teacher who will up your riding skills and experience, whether you’re a young beginner or a more experienced adult.
Pippin is now Renn’s personal horse

November 2018-September 2019
Spring 2018-November 2019
Frosty is a sassy mini who was a fun challenge for more experienced small riders.
She died at a neighbors farm.
March 2019-August 2019
Titus was born in 2012 or 2013, making him the youngest horse we have in the barn. While he can be quite stubborn at times, he also has a very sweet attitude. Bring a toddler anywhere near him, and he calms right down. This quarter horse tends to be a slow poke until there’s a hill in front of him. Then he wants nothing more than to trot up. He is one of the few lesson horses who Hidden Hills leases, rather than owns.
Titus was sold to a Hidden Hills student
August 2018-Dec 2019
He may be new to the barn, but this big boy has already stolen the hearts of everyone here. His massive presence is overshadowed only by his sweet cuddles. His head may be bigger than your torso, but he’s a gentle giant who only wants some love.
Geronimo was sold to a new family
May 2019-December 2019
Prim, short for Primrose, is a spotted saddle horse and the only gaited horse we have in the lesson barn. This means that she doesn’t usually do a 2-beat trot, but rather speeds up a 4-beat gait. Lots of people enjoy gaited horses for trail riding because they can be a much smoother ride. She also has a “glass eye”, or one blue eye and one brown eye. Both work and can see, they are just different colors. She likes to walk fast, earning the name “the walk-away horse”. She loves trail rides, is full of sass, and will make sure you have a fun time. Prim is on lease from a Hidden Hills Border.
Prim went back to her oner.
August 2019- February 2020
Rockstar was sold to a Hidden Hills Student

November 2019 - September 2020
June 2019-April 2020

Jan 2019-March 2020
Born on March 31, 1996, he was named Powerful Mercedes. During his racing career, he made 51 starts, and actually won 5 races, one in Canterbury Park in 2000 as a 4 year old. His favorite time of the day is feeding time and he will make sure you know when he wants his food. He does best with a light or sensitive rider. Dylan is great on the trails and in the arena. He walks, trots, and canters, all at a very reasonable and handleable pace. You don’t don’t have to be the gambling type to bet on a good time riding Dylan at the barn!

circa 2017-March 2020
Glimmer is such a good horse that anyone can ride him and he will make them look good. He knows his stuff and is willing to try anything you give him. A former Western ranch horse, he's used to new and changing environments and challenges. While he sometimes makes you work to catch him, he seems to do it more to test and see if you really want him than he does to get away from you.

April 2018-April 2020
At this point Rose should just be an old, stiff cow horse, but she's still got some steam to her! She loves having something to do and knows her stuff – back in the day, she'd have been a force to be reckoned with. Happy to pick up a walk, trot, and canter, she'll even sail a jump or two when asked correctly.

Spring 2017-September 2020
Stormy is safe and practically bombproof. He has both skills and smarts and needs someone with the same to be able to coax him into being the willing horse he can be if you're on his side. Stormy is smart – he loves to think and listen to his rider, so make sure you have a job for him to do. Show him you know what you're doing, and he'll strut his stuff for you. This pony is definitely a show stealer who can either be a nice hunter jumper or western rider depending on what is asked of him. He's also good on the trails and is very comfortable bareback.
August 2019-April 2020